Our Story
Brylan's Feat Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that was started in honor of my daughter, Brylan. When she was one month old, her pediatrician noticed that her feet looked a little swollen. We did genetic testing and went through several different doctors and specialists, but no one could tell us what was wrong with our little girl. As the months went by, her right foot began to swell even more and the swelling started to move up her leg. After doing a lot of our own research, we ended up across the country at Boston Children's Hospital where Brylan was finally diagnosed with infant onset primary lymphedema.
My husband and I decided that customized compression garments were the best option to begin treating Brylan’s progressive swelling. Brylan was 11 months old when she was diagnosed so we understood that she would need several different garments a year as she grew. What we weren't prepared for was the cost of the garments. Her first set of customized compression garments for her legs at 11 months old were $500. And the price has only continued to grow as she has gotten older.
Through our own experience and hearing stories of parents struggling to afford these medically necessary garments, as well as other treatments, the idea to aid families in their fight against lymphedema was born.
Brittany Williams
Brylan 2019, 5 years old
Brylan's feet/legs, 13 months old (first diagnosed)